Don't hesitate to contact us: 419-214-1766

We help care providers understand their patients’ trauma, so they can deliver quality care effectively.

Multiple studies suggest that behavioral issues can result from severe childhood trauma, such as maltreatment, sexual abuse, family dysfunction, etc. Furthermore, according to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, the majority of women in substance treatment and mental health programs have experienced at least one traumatic incident during childhood.

Therefore, when providing care and treatment to individuals with certain behavioral or mental health issues, one must consider the patients’ history of trauma. With Sound Mind Behavioral Wellness, we equip care agencies with the right tools through our comprehensive training courses. With this program, you will learn to:

  • Provide your patients with safe spaces to be themselves
  • Uphold their dignity at all times
  • Build a foundation of trust
  • Recognize their strengths and validate their feelings
  • Empower them as an individual


We’ll be glad to hear from you. Please let us know your questions about our services. You can send us a message through our online form or ring us at 419-214-1766.